Whew! What a week. We have collectively been through a lot this week, and I feel like the election and the general upheaval over the results have cast an emotional shadow over all of us. But guys, we are bigger both as a country and in our communities than one election. There has been a time to research, to speak our hearts, to listen, and even to grieve. But now, let’s find a little joy. Here are five ways I am intentionally finding and celebrating the lightness and joy of life. Bake a Cheesecake.Here’s the thing about baking cheesecakes: it is enough effort to completely take your mind off of anything else that is stressing you out but the payoff of eating it is COMPLETELY worth it. This week alone I have baked and help eat two cheesecakes. I think I’ve found a new favorite in the Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake linked below. It’s all the tradition and spiciness of a pumpkin pie plus so much more decadence and a graham cracker crust (which let's be honest, is way better than pie crust.) Also! If you hate cheesecake (I’m pretty sure these people exist?) they make great gifts in one of those adorable baking boxes from the Target Spot. Wrap a GiftSpeaking of gifts, wrapping your first Christmas gift can be the best de-stresser. You’re doing something for some someone you love while flexing your creativity and making something beautiful. My thing this year is postal or butcher paper with drawings or ribbon to give each gift it’s own flair without getting too busy. Here are the gifts I’ve been wrapping up tonight and some inspiration for future wrapping parties. Spend Time with Jesus.Spend a few precious minutes with your creator. For me this looks like me, under one lamp, before the sun has come up hiding some little piece of God’s word in my heart. For you it might be popping on a podcast (two of my favorite Christian podcasts are linked below) and taking a jog, committing to a weekly bible study, or praying your way to work in the morning. Make the time to check up on your soul and spend time with the one who will heal the hurts. Treat Yo Self.This is important. If you are anything like me, it’s hard to spend valuable time on something if it doesn’t have a specific practical purpose or enrich my life in some way. This week give yourself permission to indulge in something you love that is absolutely just fun. For me, it was FINALLY buying the tulle skirt I have had my eye on for literally a year (the one I bought is linked below). For you it might be watching a whole season of the Office in one night, rereading the Harry Potter series for the zillionth time, or just spending a stupid amount of money on an overpriced latte. But listen, you deserve it. Treat yo self. Go Home.When it really is just all too much though, go home. This weekend I sat at our giant kitchen table with my family sipping coffee and playing board game after board game and laughing until I couldn’t breathe. I sat on our barstools and poured out my stresses and my hurts to my parents; who always find a way to both make me feel heard and put it all back in perspective. I played Mario Wii with my siblings until my eyes burned and my sides hurt from giggling, and I snuggled in our same old blankets on our same old couches and watched 90’s Thanksgiving cartoons. At home, whether that’s your parents house, or in your dorm room, or in your own kitchen, you can find rest and peace. Go be at home when the world is too big and hard to recognize, and remember that you have a tribe and they stay the same.
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Welcome! I'm a wife, mama-to-be, foster mom, fourth year music teacher, and Jesus follower, and am chronically curious about just about everything. Join me as I explore the calling God has for my family's story.
"I am the Vine, you are the Branches. If you abide in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
March 2024
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