Happy Summer! I honestly don’t care if today is officially summer or not. As far as I’m concerned, if school is out, it’s full on summer! Whether you’re a teacher/student or not, our yearly rhythms often begin to slow down as summer kicks off. This is a season devoted to recreation, so if you’re anything like me, you’re looking to catch up on those little things that have fallen to the wayside throughout the busy year, spend some time away, and maybe pamper yourself a little bit with a good read or a good facial, or whatever it is that means relaxation for you. In the spirit of a summer of full of fun and more than a little downtime, but also in the spirit of not having to spend a ton of money to find some things that spark joy -- here are five perfect and budget summer picks and products. HAPPY START OF SUMMER!
Busyness -- in May, it’s quite a problem. Between graduations and wedding season and field trips and not to mention the general sense of burnout in the air, there is way too much going on. I can always identify an uptick in my overwhelm when I respond to the question, “How are you?” with some version of this: “I’m good! Staying busy.”
When I feel compelled to include my busyness in a description of my general wellbeing, it means it’s time to evaluate. Now, like I’ve said many times before, some overwhelm is a natural accompaniment of a hectic season. It’s when the hectic season starts to feel like a permanent state of being, that we have a problem on our hands. This particular season tends toward busyness, and that’s ok. But, we have a choice about whether we let our busyness control us or whether we take the reins through intentional and well organized productivity skill building. Being productive boils down to having a firm grasp on our time and how to leverage it to its fullest potential. Freedom from busyness usually boils down to feeling as if you have several sections of free and restful time in your calendar every week. In a hectic season, this is achievable only if you are productive with your working hours and a fierce protector of your free hours. Maintaining free hours has been a lifelong struggle for me, but the four tools and skills I’ll outline below have made a serious difference. Let’s jump in! |
Welcome! I'm a wife, mama-to-be, foster mom, fourth year music teacher, and Jesus follower, and am chronically curious about just about everything. Join me as I explore the calling God has for my family's story.
"I am the Vine, you are the Branches. If you abide in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
March 2024
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